Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Fashion Week at the Martin house

Mommy is very concerned that some sort of gene mutation took place in all of us. Even though she was the worst sort of tomboy and has only recently graduated to occasional makeup and drying of the hair, all three of us could be labeled "girly." Prissy, even, on occasion. For example, she cannot understand the purpose of a poncho, much less a pink poncho with fringe. But, I'm sure cute when I have it on, so she guesses it's okay. As long as we make mud pies while wearing pink faux fur.
My new vacuum

I love to vacuum. I used to follow Mommy around while she vacuumed every day. (Okay, so maybe it was more like once a week....Fine, once a month.....okay, so she only vacuums when the carpet starts grabbing your ankles. There is a reason she chose a house with a minimal amount of carpet! Sheesh. Tough crowd!!)
My first gymnastics meet!!!

Here I am posing on the balance beam. I'm on the pre-team, which gets me ready for real competitive gymnastics! We had our first fun meet tonight. We've been learning routines on the beam, floor, and uneven bars, and we even do vaults! They don't give us real scores, it's really just for practice for our first real competition meet in a few weeks. I did awesome!!!

Birthdays are lots of fun. I loved it when everybody sang "Happy Birthday" to me, so much in fact that I sang it to everyone else for the next few days. I got ridiculous amounts of presents which was also lots of fun. I mean, that is why Mommy and Daddy got a bigger house, right? More room for toys?