Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Group Pictures Are Hard

Mommy is figuring out that trying to get a group picture of the three of us is VERY DIFFICULT. There's something about the attention spans of children under the age of five...

Weird Winter Weather

This winter has been very weird. Arkansas weather is always strange, but this one has been the strangest one Mommy can remember. Yesterday it was maybe 40 degrees, and today it was mid-60's??? Choosing an outfit in the mornings is very challenging these days. However, it sure is fun to get to play outside.

The Trampoline

The trampoline is one of our very favorite things to do outside. Ryley calls it the "jumpoline," which is pretty cute.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I can climb stairs

I learned a new skill the past few weeks...climbing! Mommy and Daddy can't keep me on the floor anymore!

I love butter


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Rocking Chair

I found the rocking chair the other day. It's lots of fun, but very tricky to climb into. I mean, every time I'd try to climb up in the darn thing it would tip forward and dump me out, unless I managed to lean just far enough over that it rocked backward and then I'd smack my forehead on the back. And man, don't get me started on the hazard to the toes!! Lots of fun, these rocking chairs.


I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Deville!!

I can feed myself!

I'm pretty good at feeding myself lately. Toward the end of the meal, I get pretty bored and start getting wild with my spoon, and then we almost have to call HAZ-MAT in to clean it all up! I'm eating cereal here, which isn't too messy, but today I had baby food chicken & pears and it was not pretty when I got done.