Sunday, February 19, 2006

Snow Ice Cream

We made snow ice cream yesterday... it was yummy. It was Ryley and Abigail's first "snowcreme."

Valentine's Day


Sunday, February 05, 2006

More 1st birthday pictures

I'm one year old!

I'm one year old! I actually turned one on Wednesday, but we waited until Sunday to have my party. I got lots of presents, and cake, and ice cream. I had to open presents in two shifts because there were so many and I kept getting distracted. Birthdays are hard work!

Playing together

Ryley was being extra nice and she pushed me around on my airplane. Five seconds later, she was not so nice and pushed me right off of my airplane. Sisters are poopy sometimes.

Abby in a basket

I play in this basket all the time. I climb in and out, and then I do the Abby dance. I get very put out when Mommy puts toys in the basket, and I throw them all right back out. There is a joke here involving basket cases, but Mommy says that if you can't say anything nice, then don't say it where anyone can hear you.

The Star Gymnast

I had another gymnastics meet this Saturday, and I did great. I won first place on the balance beam! We also got to go perform at the Lady Razorbacks college gymnastics meet. It was a lot of fun. Mommy is going to try to get a website up so that everyone can see videos of me competing.

Budding Beethovens

My first lost tooth

I lost my first tooth the other day. It had been very loose for a while, and then I pulled it out! The tooth fairy left me a special note and two whole dollars!!! Inflation must be terrible these days, because Mommy says that she only got quarters. She says that this tooth fairy is the best ever.